Workplace accidents are no fun. They can cause damage, keep you off work for days or weeks on end, and leave you with medical bills that set you back financially. But one of the most crushing blows is when an employer chooses not to pay for the care you need to get back on your feet. Workers’ compensation laws are put in place for this very purpose.
However, when your employer decides to fight you and claims you’re not entitled to financial support, it can feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders. That is where a Chesapeake workers’ compensation lawyer can come to your rescue. However, you should make the right selection when it comes to choosing a workers’ compensation lawyer.
So, here are some important factors you should consider when choosing a workers’ compensation lawyer in Chesapeake.
Experience and expertise
You need to find a lawyer who knows how to handle workers’ compensation cases. The more experience a lawyer has, the better equipped he or she will be to help you make informed decisions. Knowing the ins and outs of workers’ compensation can make all the difference in how the system is implemented and how well a case moves along.
Knowledge of workers’ compensation laws
Workers’ compensation is a complicated system to navigate and requires knowledge of the laws and regulations involved. A lawyer with proper knowledge of workers’ compensation laws should be able to help you know your rights, which can make all the difference in the outcome of your case howitstart.
Work history and success rate
You should look for a lawyer who is experienced in handling workers’ compensation cases and has a good success rate. You can ask your prospective lawyer about their successes, as well as what sort of preparation they make before going into a new case. Check out their work history to understand the types of cases they’ve handled in the past.
Ease of accessibility
While it’s not the most important factor, accessibility can make a difference in how comfortable you feel about your lawyer. Try to find a lawyer who is easily available to you by phone and email, in addition to office hours.
Cost of services
You should find a lawyer who charges a fair price for their services. Make sure you get a fair deal and don’t feel like you’re being taken advantage of due to your circumstances.