While online media can provide many benefits, there are also some drawbacks to distance education. A lack of personal contact and a practical approach to education are two major drawbacks. Additionally, students cannot have direct contact with teachers and instructors. This makes it difficult to develop communication and teamwork skills, as well as confidence. Another drawback of distance education is that it is difficult to provide hands-on training and specialization, especially in medical fields. While modern simulators can simulate “live” practice, they cannot replace a physician or teacher’s presence. Also, video surveillance is the best way to ensure student integrity. It’s not uncommon for students to take their final examinations on paper or take an online quiz on a laptop, and this is also problematic for many people.
Another advantage of distance education is its cost-efficiency. It is far cheaper than classroom-based courses, and the lack of a physical building or staff reduces overhead costs. These savings are passed on to the consumer, or the parents of students. Distance education also allows more people to obtain high-quality education. There are some disadvantages, but in general, distance education is the best option for aspiring academics.
The main drawback to distance learning is that students often lack motivation. Students studying online do not receive regular reminders, so it can be hard to stay on track. Also, it’s difficult to follow deadlines without constant motivation. If you’re a procrastinator or can’t stick to deadlines, distance education is not for you. It’s not the best option for social people, but for those who can’t handle regular face-to-face interaction, distance education may be the best choice for you.